Purpose Rwanda



A Girl of Purpose is a very special program that Purpose Rwanda is gladly holding every Friday.

It’s a program mainly designed to remind young girls out there that the value of being a girl is golden and also to tell girls that have made various mistakes or poor choices in their lives that there is always another second chance to do right.

A Girl of Purpose looks at helping victims of pre-marital sex and advocate against it for the group that has not yet gotten involved.

On this day, young women discussed two questions with the help of their term leader, a 19-year-old young woman. The first reads as follows:

Why are parents so concerned about their young female children today?

How parents valued their girls in African tradition has not changed at all today. Girls in the past were seen as a source of wealth, unlike today where they are seen as participants who should influence the nation’s socio-economic and political development. As the saying goes, “Educate a woman and educate a nation.” Some of the ideas during the discussion are as follows:


Attach as many photos of this session as possible together with videos



How will A Girl of Purpose contribute to the development of her country, Rwanda?

The discussion was very interesting. A few of the ideas during the discussion are as outlined:

Girl of Purpose is a project established to create and awaken girls about their values in the society. Its contributions include three aspects of the country’s development: socially, economically, and politically. Here are some of the answers the young women shared with us.

A girl of purpose believes that there is a huge space for the young girls out there to play a role in the development of Rwanda. We believe in awakening girls to the old values that describe a true African woman through discouraging pre-marital sex.

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