Purpose Rwanda

Purpose Development session: 02nd June 2018 Venue: Theme: The power of Purposeful and Addiction free living!!

Society transformation evolves around healthy citizens who embrace a purposeful and addiction free living.

The highest form of individual gratification and fulfillment to a very big extent is through discovering one’s purpose of life, live according to it and consequently contribute to society development.

However most purposes among individuals have been shattered down, hampered and derailed due to various sorts of addictions. Most societies have lost out a big deal due to the prevailing addiction rates most especially among the youth, so to mention some adults in our societies.

Purpose Rwanda therefore recognizes the need of a massive campaign to instill Purposeful, Positive and Addiction free living among the young.

It’s against that background that Purpose Rwanda organized a Purpose Development session on 2nd June 2018 at Hiltop Hotel-Remera-Kigali, whose theme was; the power of Purposeful and Addiction Free living.

The session was meant to instill values of Purpose and addiction free living among the youth.

The audience varied in ages, gender, nationality and a wide representation of high schools and colleges.

Among the guest of honors was,

1. Mrs. HIRUT Habtamu- First counselor-Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Rwanda.

2. Dr. Enrich Matucci- a qualified Pilot, former Airport Director, Air accident investigator and flight safety officer. He is currently working on a project, called LET’S PUT WINGS ON RWANDA. More related to improving Rwanda’s Civil Aviation industry

3. Mr. MUGARURA Apollo, Former Director General- Rwanda Cooperatives Agency

4. Mr. Anyama Charles, Pan African and Lecturer of Political Science at Mt.Kenya University

The speakers of the seminar were,

• Mrs. Anna Kyomugisha, Academic Registrar at African College of Theology and Pastor at Newlife Bible Church

• Mr. Joshua TAHINDUKA, Program Quality Director at the East Africa Territorial Council and a prominent member of toastmasters’ international-Rwanda

In his speech, Agaba Bruno the legal representative of Purpose Rwanda emphasized that all attendants may agree that all men were born equal, powerful and with great ambitions. “Lack of purpose and engagement in addictions like drugs, sex of any kind, and many others make one lose their birth powers and ambitions”, said Mr. Agaba Bruno #WeMayAllAgree

To the audience, Bruno asked: Where are we as a generation heading with the growth addictions?

He also embarked on reminding the audience that Purpose Rwanda was created by visionary and ambitious individuals who want to see the disease of addictions cured in this generation, this country, and the whole world. “Purpose Rwanda believes in a purposeful and engaged generation. The organization is working towards creating a sustainable youth platform that have dreams and have the ability to develop and contribute to their community” argued Mr. Bruno.

This strong message was rooted by Mr. Joshua Tahinduka, Program Quality Director at the East Africa Territorial Council and a prominent member of toastmasters’ international-Rwanda.

According to Mr. Joshua who was addressing “the Power of Purposeful living” indicated thatPurpose is a master plan to one’s life, gives us meaning and identity. Heroes and leaders that we look up to including HE Paul Kagame and Martin Luther King Jr have defined what is worth their sweat and their life if need be. His message was centered on the belief that purpose of life is purpose full of life. The purpose doesn’t have to be huge or overwhelming. Noting the impact of the small ideas that made a great deal of milestone. His take-home message was coded in what he defined as 3S’s; Success, Strength, and Service. With an addiction free mind, one is on the way to attain a milestone of success, use his strength to create an environment not to divert his/her ambitions and finally be willing to provide not only to himself but also to his community, country, and the world at large.

The other main speaker Mrs. Anna Kyomugisha,Academic Registrar at African College of Theology and Pastor at Newlife Bible Church.

In her deliberation on “HOW TO OVERCOME ADDICTIONS”, she challenged the audience using an example of racquets. Her illustration that this material like many others has a purpose it serves, a desk to sit on, a racket to play tennis and so on. If these materials have a purpose, who is to say that us- Human beings- do not have one. She highlighted that we are born unique and have the power to use our differences to serve several purposes. She added that working as a community is a lit candle lightening another. It does not lose anything but rather contribute to a brighter vision. In her closing, she advised the audience to seek advice when trying to cure their addictions, agree to be helped and find the Lord who never ceases to guide us regardless of our iniquities.

The session ended with a Q&A session that established an engagement between the panelists and the audience to address several issues including but not limited to,

• How to discover one’s purpose and its subsequent benefits

• Addressing and overcoming challenges that hinder purposes like addictions

• How to safeguard one’s purpose

• Dangers of not living a purposeful life

• Abstaining from premarital sex

• Adopting formulas to adhere to a Purposeful, Positive and Addiction Free generation.

• Building a Purposeful and Addiction Free Heritage

At the end of the session, attendants understood that living purposefully and addiction free can totally make them live a complete life that subsequently impacts their society.

It was such a blessing to see the attendants excited and committed to live a purposeful and addiction free life after the session.

From the feedback report,

• 99% of the attendees’ purposes were awakened during the seminar

• 100% of the attendees vowed to live an Addiction-Free life

• 100% of the attendees committed to contribute positively to the socioeconomic development of their societies

• 99% of the attendees’ purposes were awakened during the seminar

100% of the attendees vowed to live an Addiction-Free life

The attendants requested Purpose Rwanda to grow deeper roots and establish networks in every corner of our Nation and beyond given how resourceful the mission is.

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