Purpose Rwanda


When good seed is planted on good soil and at the right time, that seed will yield tremendous fruits or grains. The surplus will be sold to generate some income which can support further production and enough will remain to feed families. “Planting Your Life Purpose Today” was the Theme of this Fellowship. 

September 6th fellowship was rooted in the previous fellowships, empowering the youth to think and craft their vision and mission no matter how less perfect they maybe today. It is better to have something pushing you every day even if it is not perfect. When you think about it now and then, the biggest change is, you will begin thinking innovatively and you will likely develop that capacity, knowledge, and skill to make improvements because you have something in place that needed an innovative action. This is how small ideas become bigger and change the world. The world is not changed by those who come from a different planet, they are from this planet – the universe, and this is where Rwanda is found, and let that be you. Be that innovator because your vision and mission are shaped by Rwanda’s values, history, and vision: Your innovation should contribute to poverty eradication in Rwanda.

The world today changes faster than anyone can imagine. Participants spoke ideas, words of encouragement, fire, wisdom; they contributed solutions to anticipate obstacles that may militate against growing one’s purpose in a rapidly changing world. The shared belief and hope by the participants was that the peace and tranquillity in Rwanda, the good and coherent governance in Rwanda and the international attention the country has attracted over the past decades constitutes good soil for any human being to plant his/her purpose today. The youth need to be positive, purposeful and addiction free. This is how one can think correctly, this is how you can have a positive mind-set, and everyone needs to be patriotic, focused and plant his/her purpose today to participate in the betterment of humanity.

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