Purpose Rwanda

Tomorrow you will not be there, but let your dream and purpose remain immortal- PURPOSE RWANDA FELLOWSHIP, 26TH JULY, 2019

 “The Pride and Value of Growing Our Purposes together at all Times” was the Theme of this Fellowship. The session was an essential opportunity for participants to share experiences, ideas, information, mentorship and support to one another. The ideal focus is, how an individual participant can benefit from the experiences of others, and that can promote his/her growth in order to be able to contribute to the development of more others. The shared opinion was that, in this world, no one is for himself/herself. What an individual does must benefit others: if we are to live true to ourselves, our aspirations, dreams and purposes should create an outstanding legacy that would inspire the dreams and purposes of others.

There are various challenges affecting the growth of one’s purposes; you cannot go alone: the net- working opens window to the best solutions to tackle such challenges. You cannot give up, this is not a solution, and you cannot run away, this is contrary to the demands of the 21st Century: you can work in partnership with others and this is where solutions that enable the growth of one’s purpose can be got. Purpose Rwanda Fellowship provides significant platform for this.

Purpose Rwanda Fellowship is a compass in your life, it is light so that you can see far even if it is dark, it is a family where unity and team spirit are valuable for personal growth and for community development, it is a platform where all opinions are valued, and it is where such opinions help to shape positive mindsets necessary for purpose discovery and growth. Discovery of individual purpose benefits families and communities.

Five individuals discovered and shared more insight on their Purposes with the participants. Each gave an overview on how his/her purpose will impact on the lives of others: these purposes are in the world of literature; communication; equality and justice, human dignity and transformation; evangelism, among others.

Tomorrow you will not be there, but let your dream and purpose remain immortal.

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