Every person is born with a purpose that stands out among all his/her passions. Naturally, that purpose is intended to be the brand of that particular individual throughout their life style, which subsequently should be that individual’s contribution to the development of their society.
However, most people’s purposes don’t surface, don’t mature, and don’t come out, don’t expand or live the taste of time due to Addictions.
Addictions to a larger extent have been the reason hindering the growth of purposes among humans. Addictions have caused depression, severe pain and loss, addictions have led to unproductive and miserable living among a number of people.
Purpose Rwanda therefore understands that if our society is to grow in all sectors of life, we must be free of addictions.
Purpose Rwanda therefore wishes to inform the entire public that it’s committed to the prevention and intervention in attitude and addiction problems in society to day
The services offered so far are:
- Addiction awareness and counselling (prevention)
- Short term counselling (intervention)
The above services are delivered by qualified providers and are guided by a philosophy that embraces hope, respect and support for recovery
The services are free of charge and doors are open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 2:00pm- 5:00pm.
Feel free to approach us at Purpose Rwanda head office (prince house 3rd floor) or contact us on mobile no: +250786088048 or email us at info@purposerwanda.org to book an appointment.