The Theme of the Conference was: “Fighting Addiction among the Youth today”. The conference was attended by about a hundred (100) students. Purpose Rwanda team has begun by explaining the mission, vision, and mandate of the organization for the youth.
Students were advised about the importance of discovering and growing their purposes and how to live by it. The youth were advised that every purpose needs to be natured for it to become a reality and they should play an important role to ensure this happens. That the best place to identify your purpose and to grow is in school. If you love an activity or you are passionate about something positive, whether it is sport, music or leadership; use this opportunity to get yourself involved and join clubs that will aid you to grow into this natural talent and gift. The speaker further stressed how one’s purpose is important for his/her family, community and the nation at large.
As purposes are developed, we must become aware of the enemies of purpose development: addiction is one of the leading enemies. Purpose Rwanda advised that students should individually play significant role in preventing addiction in their lives by not starting any bad habit especially taking alcohol, using illicit drugs, pornography and having premarital sex among others. Many youth with curiosity and peer pressure get into habits that destroy their dream and their God-given purpose. It is very important not to start that bad habit you have been having thoughts about, and seek help if you are already caught up by any deception before it kills you. Addiction claims lives, it kills dreams and purposes and all these affect an individual, families, communities and a nation.
The students were further cautioned that purposes are God-given assignment to every human being here on the earth. For those who are not sure of what brought them on earth, they need to speak to God in prayer so that they can identify their purposes and make use of such in poverty eradication in communities.