Purpose Rwanda conducted a successful training which featured nine (9) participants mostly Female Members of Parliament from Nairobi County Assembly. The training was tailored under the theme: Women Empowerment and Building Youth Capacity for National Development. In the 21st Century, governments across the globe have realized the value of promoting gender equality and youth empowerment in socio-economic and political spheres of governance at all levels. Rwanda ranks among the top three countries applauded by the international community committed to gender equality and women empowerment.
Purpose Rwanda renews its commitment to continue building capacities and skills in ensuring the realization of Gender equality and youth empowerment to enhance socio-economic development.
The training was inspired by the need to understand the mode of intervention Purpose Rwanda uses to involve the Youth and as well as Women (Girls as future leaders) in appreciating the need to participate in national development, recognizing that they are the future of Rwanda. This is part of what surrounds the mandate of Purpose Rwanda as a partner in socio-economic development. Part of the objectives of the training also underscored the need to learn from Rwanda’s experiences, inspirations and successful stories of inclusivity in national development.
The mission of Purpose Rwanda was the guide used to formulate the theme and the following topics for the training: The Mandate of Purpose Rwanda in shaping National Development through Youth Capacity Development; Africa’s Youth a time bomb or resource to Africa’s transformation discourse and action on development; Women Empowerment and its contribution to National Development in the 21st Century Africa; Why Purpose Rwanda should take part in empowering Young Girls as Future Leaders in Rwanda; Gender Equality in Development Context: A Case of Rwanda; Youth Capacity Development in Rwanda as a catalyst for Pan-African Transformation in the 21st Century.
The training also was comprised of the Q&A, interaction, and presentation to deliver facts and guidance to the trainees. Presentations by trainers were preceded by questions from trainees that helped in enhancing the benefits of the training. The active participation of the trainees enriched sharing of knowledge, experiences, and facts that may remain a significant tool for innovations, practice and improvement in policy design and implementation by the trainees as political leaders in Nairobi County.
The expected outcomes of the training are both written and unwritten. The written include;
The trainees are expected to pick ideas and information that may be useful in influencing policies and practices in their county or country and on the people they are representing.
It is anticipated that the scope of knowledge and framework of analysis and interpretation on issues of youth empowerment will be a hallmark on the aspirations and services rendered by the trainees in their respective areas of jurisdiction
It is further expected that the training will raise the considerable level of curiosity, determination, and interest on the trainees to learn from other experiences and practice or apply them in their own context
The trainees gained a wider knowledge about the role Purpose Rwanda contributes to national development through youth empowerment
The unwritten benefits from the training are within self and they may help in strengthening the written ones.
Hon. Members of Nairobi County Assembly in a group photo with Sir. Charles (Purpose Rwanda)