Purpose Rwanda is excited to announce a partnership with PHARMACISTS COMPASSION RWANDA, a Ministry of Professional pharmacists that exists to reach out to the most vulnerable who struggle to get medical care services, by attending to their medical needs.

Being a Christian ministry yet from a medical background, Pharmacists Compassion Rwanda is partnering with Purpose Rwanda to attend to the needs of Purpose Rwanda beneficiaries still struggling with Addictions by;

– Promoting Public health and Reproductive health awareness to sex workers and drug addicts

– Recommend various detox options and diminution to drug and substance abusers

– Support in sexually Transmissible infections (STI) testing of our beneficiaries at high risk, that is HIV, UTI, Gonorrhea, etc.

– Occupational therapy services

Pharmacists Compassion Rwanda and Purpose Rwanda are already jointly serving more than 25 Groups of recovering addicts, each group comprising more than 12 patients.

With this partnership, we believe that the Lord is going to restore His beloved that are in bondage, sick, downtrodden and broken. He’s a good God.

Both Purpose Rwanda and Pharmacists Compassion Rwanda believe that besides all scientific and other forms of Addiction therapy, it is the Lord Almighty through His son Jesus Christ that is the supreme Healer of all sickness and Addictions.

As such we operate under His power to serve the least among us.