Every moment and a new month begins with its own challenges and opportunities for every human being living on the planet Earth. Although the birth of every human being comes with blessings and life purposes, environmental factors of our times affect us differently.  One fact is, we also respond differently to these factors: some can respond with minimal help from others, yet some are adversely overpowered by the challenges they encounter. This explains why fighting addictions remain a shared responsibility because even if few are affected directly, all are affected indirectly.


In Purpose Rwanda’s monthly report: By February, 2022, out of 1,102 patients, 324 have recovered. In March, out of 1,205 patients, the number of recovered patients was 335 and by April, the recovery was at 340 out of 1,297. Those who have recovered have stayed sober at least for over 65 days or over 90 days.

The number of patients showing signs of recovery in our assessment of monthly sobriety status is high. This is where there is need for sustained support that facilitates counseling services to the patients.

In spite of rising cases of addictions, there has been marked decline in rate of relapse as underscored in the current report. This presents a significant hope and opportunity to the recovered patients in leading normal, purposeful and deliberately productive lives. It also means, if collective means are invested in the reintegration of the recovered patients by partners, more will be achieved in terms of socio-economic transformation as a common good in our country.

Together we can always increasingly build a Purposeful and Addiction Free Generation.