On Thursday, 9th September 2021 the members of Dukomezanye addiction patients group members gathered at Purpose Rwanda to share various issues they encounter in their daily lives who later had a session of group counseling and mentorship to help them in their recovery journey.
Addiction Prevention Strategist explained to the participants what Addiction Anonymous (AA) is in details and the importance of attending AA meetings on weekly basis. That it helps in sharing about various issues or problems they encounter and find common solutions to the problems. Furthermore, AA meeting plays crucial role in physical and emotional recovery.
Purpose Rwanda Executive Director heartened Dukomezanye group members and said “it won’t be like this forever, no matter what the situation is, we have a better choice to make and we are in this together and we are stronger than we think, we see such potential and together we can make it work.” He encourages them to always put God first in all their ways and also make it a habit to pray for God’s guidance in their lives. Together lets work harder and never give-up.
Dukomezanye Group Leader MY shared with Purpose Rwanda staff about the strategy they apply to stay and continue with their sobriety journey without relapsing. That they have decided to meet twice a week on Mondays and Fridays to encourage, motivate each other and try to solve any issue members face. They decided to save money in their group to help each other in their daily difficulties.
On individual basis, group members eventually shared their testimonies to indicate a common purpose of recovery and to be Purposeful and Addiction Free Citizens and energetically participate towards enhancing self-sustainability and socio-economic transformation in Rwanda.