One life for others is a monumental best practice we can all trust and invest in, in order to ensure our generations make this planet more friendly, habitable and sustainable. Purpose Rwanda’s role in Fighting Addictions goes hand in hand with Purpose Development and Support until a recovered addiction patient becomes a Purposeful Agent of Transformation (PAT). Here there is power of progress.
The truth is “Happiness is in all of us and it comes from progress. The root cause of multiplier effect or destroyer effect lies inside of us. The multiplication of the happiness in us on daily basis makes us unique and powerful and gives us the reason for our existence” – Bimal Shah
One of the critical values that a Purposeful Agent of Transformation holds is to ensure he/she impacts on more than 10 lives. Guided by the assumption that the impact created by one PAT goes beyond self, and spills over to 10+ people with significant multiplier effect per annum is realized, this should create major feature of networks and flows be it goods, money or messages in the lives of others. To consolidate this, Bill Burr’s idea is critical: “Business runs hot and cold so the more you’re in charge of your own destiny, the better off you are”.
Giving hope to PATs and empowering them with necessary resources being information, skills and other basic transformation elements are pivotal infrastructure Purpose Rwanda considers as crucial that orients participation of PATs in socio-economic transformation and poverty eradication. Every human being is created for a purpose; Purpose Rwanda therefore advocates and supports its beneficiaries in realizing, discovering and developing their life purposes.
As rightly echoed by Udolf Steiner, “in the future every human shall see a hidden divinity in every fellow human”. This underscores the fact that every one of us has a noble duty as citizens and friends of Rwanda in enhancing self-sustainability and socio-economic transformation in Rwanda by fighting addictions and supporting the recovered addiction patients.
When we, together make an individual better especially after recovering from addictions, we make our selves better by eliminating dependency, stagnation and poverty. This breeds development and responsiveness. Our shared destiny in anchoring the socio-economic stability of communities, welfare and health should provoke us in eliminating addictions in our families. Addictions in families weaken us; One PAT in a family has immense role to play in our beautiful country-Rwanda.
Changing more than one life by one PAT shapes “building a Purposeful, Positive and Addiction Free Generation”