There are various factors that account for the rising numbers of Purposeful Agents of Transformation (PATs) including growing number of recovered number of addiction patients who quickly undergo mentorship, training, coaching and empowerment prior to attending Purpose Development Sessions.

Other factors are self determination by the youth who are motivated by their passion, dreams and life purposes to make contribution to societal growth and development as well as access to Purpose Rwanda Services which are captivating, powerful and compelling.
One thing is certain: the number of PATs will continue to rise as underscored by December, 2021 Fact Sheet which has 180 PATs surpassing the target of 150 by 30 PATs. One core factor will prominently underpin the rise in numbers: the ongoing citizens’ campaign that has been started to support the rehabilitation of 30,000 addiction patients and delinquents and preventing more than 2 million youths from getting addicted between 2022 and 2027.
As Citizens, together we can build a Purposeful and Addiction Free Generation.