About 60 days ago when we came together as citizens, to be specific on 17th December, 2021, the day The Director General of National Rehabilitation Service launched, on behalf of the Minster of Local Government, the citizens’ campaign against addictions and delinquency in a bid to compliment the national agenda of achieving a delinquency and addiction free Rwandan society, we once again exhibited a spirit of commitment that together we can. Government Representatives, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, Ministry of Local Government, National Rehabilitation Services, Rwanda Biomedical Center, Rwanda Development Board, Rwanda Governance Board, Nyarugenge, Kicukiro and Gasabo Districts, the Civil Society (NGOs and Religious Organizations), the Private Sector, the Diplomatic Corps, Political Parties such as RPF, the Media, Citizens and Beneficiaries’ Representatives attended the launch.

Citizens’ campaign that has already started to support the rehabilitation of 30,000 addiction patients and delinquents and preventing more than 2 million youths from getting addicted is a journey, that, calls for our collective response and action: the gain achieved between 2022 and 2027 in rooting out delinquency and addictions remains immeasurable to individuals, families and communities
The growing number of addiction patients, recovered patients, and reduction in cases of relapse and growing number of watchmen/women as in the January, 2022 Fact Sheet is a sign that citizens’ participation and support in this noble goal is timely and indispensable.
Together we can turn the recovered delinquents and addiction patients into Purposeful Agents of Transformation and continue to build a Purposeful and Addiction Free Generation. This is the Rwanda we all want.